The Group is known as the ‘Emsworth Surgery Patient Participation Group’ (PPG).
The PPG has been established to promote good health in the community and encourage effective liaison between surgery staff and patients, to include:
- Improving communication through newsletters, websites and other means.
- Assisting in arranging health promotion events in partnership with the Practice team.
- Helping with research surveys on behalf of the Practice.
- Assisting the doctors and nurses with clinical activities as appropriate, e.g. marshalling at flu
Communication: Members of the PPG act as a link between the surgery staff and patients to facilitate services offered by the surgery. The PPG helps, where possible, to implement policies influenced by representative patient views.
Fund Raising: From time to time, the PPG raises funds for the benefit of patients and to cover incidental costs, e.g. hiring of a hall for educational purposes.
Health Education: The PPG assists the professionals in arranging health education sessions, as identified by the medical staff.
The PPG liaises with the doctors regarding any particular issues that may cause concern within the community.
Community Needs: the PPG may have a role in assisting in the assessment of community needs, to help the Practice develop its services, and may liaise with the doctors regarding any particular issues which may cause concern within the community.
- Membership is open to all patients of the Practice.
- There is a maximum of ten committee members, drawn from the membership, plus the Practice Manager and a representative doctor.
- We aim for the committee to consist of members of both sexes, representing most age groups.
- Non-attendance by a PPG committee member at three meetings without prior notification of their absence to the Secretary may result in the member being asked to stand down from the PPG committee.
Committee and Officers
The PPG has the following officers:
- Officers and Committee members may remain in office without time limit, subject to a) their resignation or expressed desire to retire from the committee, or b) they miss three consecutive committee meetings.
- New appointees will be elected by recommendation and approval by existing committee members and surgery management
- The committee meets nine times a year to manage the affairs of the PPG in line with its aims and purposes.
- At meetings of the committee, five members constitute a Quorum which must include a surgery member and an officer.
- Any sums raised must be handed to the Treasurer who pays the same into the PPG account:
PPG Emsworth Surgery
Lloyds TSB, West Street, Havant, Hampshire
Bank code 30-93-97
Account No. 22954160
- All cheques must be signed by 2 authorised signatories of the committee.
- Members’ out of pocket expenses on behalf of the PPG, which have previously been agreed and approved by the committee, may be claimed from the Treasurer on production of relevant receipts.
- Accounts and latest bank statement will be presented by the Treasurer for inspection and approval at each January meeting and in May and October, or more frequently if require
Membership of the PPG is a voluntary, unpaid position.
Alteration of the constitution
Any of the above rules may be amended at the AGM or at an EGM.